all postcodes in CM19 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM19 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM19 4AA 36 0 51.76786 0.090013
CM19 4AB 19 0 51.767609 0.089943
CM19 4AD 44 0 51.768766 0.090112
CM19 4AE 36 0 51.768774 0.0892
CM19 4AF 31 0 51.769298 0.087528
CM19 4AG 19 0 51.768817 0.087781
CM19 4AH 12 0 51.768862 0.086769
CM19 4AJ 11 0 51.768492 0.085824
CM19 4AL 33 0 51.767964 0.085684
CM19 4AN 11 0 51.767171 0.085241
CM19 4AP 4 1 51.766312 0.085042
CM19 4AQ 12 0 51.768391 0.087428
CM19 4AR 13 0 51.767894 0.085057
CM19 4AS 13 0 51.768938 0.085033
CM19 4AT 9 0 51.768148 0.084446
CM19 4AU 18 0 51.767877 0.084477
CM19 4AW 13 0 51.766889 0.084748
CM19 4AY 15 0 51.76709 0.084238
CM19 4BA 4 0 51.766323 0.083869
CM19 4BB 25 0 51.768103 0.083224